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play position
00:00 min
volume control
zoomin / zoomout

Sputnik München // Imagefilm

Director/D.O.P./Editor: Laurin Biersack


"Alone in Petra"

D.O.P./Edit/Music: Laurin Biersack

"This is your Life"

D.O.P./ Diver: Laurin Biersack

"The Sharkwhisperer"

D.O.P./ Diver: Laurin Biersack

World Justice // Fake Trailer

Director/D.O.P./Editor/VFX: Laurin Biersack
Starring: Lance Handsome

Shot during various holidays on a Canon 550D and 6D. (No external video-footage used)

Erebos & Nyx // Shortfilm

Director: Alan Smithee
D.O.P.: Michael Muck Kremtz
Colorgrading: Swen Linde
Production: production unit

"Nachtschicht" // Shortmovie

Editor/ Written by: Laurin Biersack
Director: Die Stadtkinder 
D.O.P.: Pascal Rémond

Nominiee for "Deutscher Kamerapreis", Best editing: Laurin Biersack

Hong Kong Justice // Fake Trailer

Director/D.O.P./Editor: Laurin Biersack
Starring: Lance Handsome

Shot entirely on a Canon 550D during a 3-day vacation in Hong Kong
(no external video-footage used)

"Drone One"

Director/D.O.P./Editor/VFX: Laurin Biersack


D.O.P./Diver: Laurin Biersack

Mr. Wong

Director/D.O.P.: Laurin Biersack

movie review by Dr. phil Sebastian Marincolo

Keith Jarrett Shreds

Music: Steven Orb & Laurin Biersack

Our contribution to the infamous youtube "shreds" series.

Sputnik München // Imagefilm

Director/D.O.P./Editor: Laurin Biersack

"Nein - Der Film" // Fake Trailer

Director/ Editor/ Writer: Laurin Biersack
D.O.P.: Pascal Rémond
Actors: Laurin Biersack, Jan Litzinger

Shot on a 16mm Bolex vintage camera
in Thailand

Lacrimosa "Lichtgestalt" (YouTube-Sims-Version)

Sims-Animator: Unknown YouTube-User
Editor (original): Laurin Biersack
Director (original): Jan Litzinger
D.O.P. (original): Edwin Krieg

A frame-by-frame comparison of a fan-appreciation-movie to our original musicvideo